Friday, October 26, 2007

why do we live here?

so...last weekend we were in VT and NH for a friend's wedding. both david and toby were in the wedding so the pressure was on to make sure david was on his best manners. we knew toby would be great.

while we drove through the rolling mountains of Vermont and southern New Hampshire we kept looking at each other and asking, "why do we live in Indiana?"

Thursday, October 18, 2007

oh NO!

someone left the TV on...and now Joshua is saying, "BARNEY." there will be some swift de-programming...i can't believe this has happened!

and a tooth update...yesterday, toby lost his first tooth! hooray! i have never seen a kid so proud. he ran into our room this morning with his handmade gift certificate for ice cream..."mommy, the tooth fairy came!" i love this age!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

loose teeth and two brothers

so last night i found toby in the bathroom upstairs sitting in the sink on the vanity gazing into to the mirror in deep thought. we spent the evening talking about his very loose tooth and smoothing over worries that he will never be able to eat again and that all of his teeth will fall out at once. so when i asked him what he was thinking about i thought he would say something along those lines instead he said..."i was just thinking about things, about how much i love joshua and going to get him in africa and how sad i was when he was sick and i couldn't play with him." so tender, so sweet. lord, protect my son's heart, make it always soft to you. we were kinda worried about how toby would do with a brother...all the attention diverted, divided, shared...but he is so thankful and crazy about's incredible. several times this week as i have been picking up toys and papers, i have found drawings of two stick with a giant head and one with a slightly smaller head with the names of two brothers underneath.

i am so thankful for my family and the lengths God took to bring us all together.

Friday, October 12, 2007


so... these videos are so good in so many ways. this is why i love Bono! i love Bono's passion--for God, for the poor, for the needy. don't bail on him early 'cause it' s the end that will really stir your heart.

the sara groves video is good in a different way. i love the line that says she sees her son in the eyes of one of the little boys. beautiful. it really calls us to think about the oneness of the body, the body of Christ. we are the same. under the same God. under the same Cross. living in grace. why do we argue and move toward each other in such hatred? why do we waste so much time "deciding" who is right and who is wrong? by no means am i joining the postmodern struggle of "whatever is right for you, man..." but i will say that all too often i need to remember what the Bible calls the greatest command and ask the Lord how am i to live LOVE out today. the Bible says that Satan has a plan for the world, an actual plan, i believe that plan is for us to sit in judgement of others, to become so entranced in our own identities and others' motivations that we forget how to serve, who to love, who Jesus died for.

if you visit Africa your heart would be changed forever, like mine. you will undoubtedly see devastating poverty, the sadness of AIDS, and the heartbreaking faces of those orphaned but you would also see... the incredible hope, the insatiable joy, the indomitable spirit of so many African people. The countries that i have visited have laid claim on my heart...the drumbeats, scents, dusty roads, big, toothy smiles, children's laughter, spirited worship, dangerous generosity, amazing art and colorful jewelry, yummy food:), strength and beauty will never leave my thoughts. it is now a part of me...bound together by the ties of my children--into the woven tapestry of our story together written by our Father.

Bono at the NAACP Awards

Sara Groves,

Thursday, October 11, 2007


ok, so, the cubbies really stunk it up in the playoffs...but...there's always next year, right? it was a good season nonetheless and i am still a big fan of Lou and believe that 2008 will be...great! plus, the cubbie berry blue beer i had at Goose Island before the game was the best beer of the year! so it's not all bad.

at this point in my life i find myself returning to some old questions in my life...what are my biggest strengths? am i accomplishing the purpose(s) of my life? i am crazy in love with my boys and my man but i often feel frustrated and irritated, like there is something else i am supposed to be doing, too...something is kinda smoldering and shifting deep inside me... i am willing. let it be.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

go CUBS go

go Cubs go
go Cubs go
hey, chicago
what do you say?