Friday, December 28, 2007
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Friday, November 2, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
why do we live here?
while we drove through the rolling mountains of Vermont and southern New Hampshire we kept looking at each other and asking, "why do we live in Indiana?"
Thursday, October 18, 2007
oh NO!
and a tooth update...yesterday, toby lost his first tooth! hooray! i have never seen a kid so proud. he ran into our room this morning with his handmade gift certificate for ice cream..."mommy, the tooth fairy came!" i love this age!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
loose teeth and two brothers
i am so thankful for my family and the lengths God took to bring us all together.
Friday, October 12, 2007
the sara groves video is good in a different way. i love the line that says she sees her son in the eyes of one of the little boys. beautiful. it really calls us to think about the oneness of the body, the body of Christ. we are the same. under the same God. under the same Cross. living in grace. why do we argue and move toward each other in such hatred? why do we waste so much time "deciding" who is right and who is wrong? by no means am i joining the postmodern struggle of "whatever is right for you, man..." but i will say that all too often i need to remember what the Bible calls the greatest command and ask the Lord how am i to live LOVE out today. the Bible says that Satan has a plan for the world, an actual plan, i believe that plan is for us to sit in judgement of others, to become so entranced in our own identities and others' motivations that we forget how to serve, who to love, who Jesus died for.
if you visit Africa your heart would be changed forever, like mine. you will undoubtedly see devastating poverty, the sadness of AIDS, and the heartbreaking faces of those orphaned but you would also see... the incredible hope, the insatiable joy, the indomitable spirit of so many African people. The countries that i have visited have laid claim on my heart...the drumbeats, scents, dusty roads, big, toothy smiles, children's laughter, spirited worship, dangerous generosity, amazing art and colorful jewelry, yummy food:), strength and beauty will never leave my thoughts. it is now a part of me...bound together by the ties of my children--into the woven tapestry of our story together written by our Father.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
at this point in my life i find myself returning to some old questions in my life...what are my biggest strengths? am i accomplishing the purpose(s) of my life? i am crazy in love with my boys and my man but i often feel frustrated and irritated, like there is something else i am supposed to be doing, too...something is kinda smoldering and shifting deep inside me... i am willing. let it be.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Happy Birthday, Gogo!
she is a timeless beauty
i love that my mom is a bargin hunter...who else can buy italian leather shoes that cost $200 in the boutiques for $2 at Salvation Army
when i was a little girl, i thought my mom always tasted like lipstick and smelled like laura ashley perfume
i love that my mom is in tune with my boys, loving them intensely and seeing their goodness and strengths even in the middle of an all out tantrum
i love that my mom wears nice dress shoes and a skirt to garden in...
i love that my mom likes to canoe and live on the ocean even though she doesn't like to swim
i love that my mom can say goodbye for an hour and a half before actually hanging up the phone
i love that my mom thinks she needs to call me back if she doesn't get to say "i love you" 400 times before the converation ends.
i love that my mom taught my one year old how to play soccer
i love that my mom is my friend, my great supporter
i love how my mom listens to me and loves me no matter what.
happy birthday, gogo!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
some thoughts on TRUST
a day at the fair
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
on an island in the sun, we'll be playin' and havin' fun
crazy long car trip!
salty breeze
campfire and smores
cabin...ants, giant mosquitoes
reading (whenever you can!)
bar harbor for ice cream
pilgrim inn with dave
sand beach
grasshopper shop
the rock on hamilton shore that looks like a lobster boat
huge crabs, starfish, hermit crabs, seals, seagulls
stinky rock
our island adventure with the kids and the canoe
freeport with the goges
playing in the mud with toby
blueberry muffins
cocktails by the sea
joshua's new found love for soccer
a beautiful moonrise
what i really love about maine is that it never really changes. the same big rocks line the shoreline today as they did when i was a little girl. the cottages remain the same too, for better or worse, with the same smells and perhaps generations of rodents and mosquitoes too. in maine i get a brief chance to reflect on my much i have grown and changed over the years...there is a time for thoughtfulness there...and no time or even opportunity for internet distractions:) i can become a child again sharing all the secrets with my little guys about where to find the biggest crabs, how to skip rocks, play uno, read through a rainy day, take long walks on the beach, find seaglass, and not slip on the seaweed. it was a great trip...i have already forgotten the car ride there and back...
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
giving thanks
Saturday, July 21, 2007
jumpin' in
the boys are having a great summer--swimming, hiking, zoo trips, swings, pony rides and sitting in the cheap little plasic pool in the yard. we are off to maine soon and hope joshua will breathe deep the salty air and forever be hooked like the rest of us. not sure he will want to brave the water with me and toby but i will do my best to get him in the ocean. we all know, dave will not be out there swimming. he protests every year.
i can't believe how much toby has grown...traveling to Ethiopia, turning five, becoming a big brother...he is such an amazing kid. he has thoroughly enjoyed his summer at the park pool--learning how to swim by simply jumping in the water, letting himself touch the bottom with his toes and then floating back up. (there is a little bit of a lesson there...are you feelin' it?) jump in. enjoy the ride.
i love this picture of my guys. toby is pretty sick of my camera at this point in his life so he is very likely to turn his head or make a goofy face just to see me get flustered...but joshua, well, he just looks right at me with those great big eyes, so happy with his big brother at his side. how can i not take a little snap?
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
everytime i think of you, i smile for awhile--dan zanes
these guys are hilarious playmates. and when the going gets tough with feeding joshua babyfood...big brother can shovel mashed peas into little brother's mouth like a pro! When i need someone to keep the baby awake in the car...toby is there to make his brother laugh and sometimes cry:) toby comes downstairs each morning with a huge grin after seeing his long awaited brother. although it's six in the still makes my heart glad.
when we first met joshua, i was nervous and a little reserved not wanting to freak this little guy out...not toby, he was jumping around us in a circle shouting, "I love you, I love you!" over and over again. it was a beautiful reminder to us to live and love freely.