Today is Toby's 6th birthday! We had such a great weekend celebrating toby. Saturday my mother in law came to spend the day with us. The boys took Bama to breakfast while i furiously cleaned and sped to pick up the cake. The afternoon was spent at the IMA where toby showed his grandmother his extensive knowledge of American art and we took a walk through the amazing gardens. We came home late in the day and ate an early dinner with Bama, Gogo, and Papa. After dinner, toby blew out the candles on his "WALL-E" cake and opened presents. After dinner toby and bama and I went to see the musical, Seussical. It was so sweet and fun. A complete delight. After church today, dave took toby and a few of his friends to lunch at johnny rockets and to see a a movie (WALL-E). Toby came home ate some left over birthday cake and opened our gifts to him...he told me tonight that he had a great bday but that it was a little tiring:)
***on a side note, toby took off his training wheels this week and is an official bike rider now! i had no idea how exciting and wonderful it would be to see him accomplish this feat! he was so proud of himself--it was beautiful.
Today is such a special day for us. We are so thankful that God breathed life into Toby and chose him to be our son. We have had the priveledge of seeing him grow these last five and half years. We heard his first words, witnessed his first steps, we have hugged him and kissed him everyday, we have seen him conquer roller coasters and mountains, make new friends, and laugh with abandon, have have kissed away the tears and held him through sickness, we walked him into school on his first day and are seeing him be an amazing big brother...we are so blessed. And yet I am also mindful today of another mother. A first mother who had the courage to make a difficult plan for her newborn son. A mother that doesn't know the joy of this special little boy. A mother that loves him too. I am certain that you are thinking of your baby today and wondering where he is... My prayers are with you today--that you will know His peace. May the Lord bless you today and always. May you know that Toby is loved beyond measure.
we love you guys.
new posts. great pictures. so powerful...this post, so heartfelt and true. This little guy is SO loved by many.
Beautifully said Sarah. And a beautiful little man too.
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