It's amazing to me how much fun a $10 pool can bring to two little boys. When we haven't gone to the city pool this summer we have filled up the blue plastic pool in the yard for a few hours of splashing summer fun. The boys love to splash each other and jump in and out with great exuberance. It's really not that different from the MLK pool--our little pool also has fights, yelling, screaming, running and a lifeguard that kicks people out for a limited rest time.
The other photo is one of Joshua riding the train at the Cincy Zoo on his second birthday. The entire ride there he he told us with great intensity that he wanted to ride the choo choo. It's a fun little ride where you actually see zoo animals, a beautiful lake and a flower garden. It is most unlike the Indianapolis Zoo where the train takes you to the bowels of the park where one can only glimpse large photographs of animals that may or may not be in the uninspiring hospital building on your right. it truly sucks but we have made the ride a tradition and a must for all zoo visits. at least we get to sit down for a few minutes and take in the zoo smelling breeze.
Ahh, MLK pool and zoo train rides. We went to the zoo last week -- but decided not to go on the "tram" (a tractor that pulls a few carts).
But Gabi wanted to "be a sea lion WIGHT NOW" after watching the animal show!
Those are fantastic pictures of Joshua...he is getting so BIG!
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