Saturday, July 21, 2007

jumpin' in

so here we are. not even three months home. we are all stuck together like grilled cheese--ooey, gooey in love. Joshua keeps us all on our toes and delights us with his hilarious "drunk eyes" and crazy expressions. He loves to say, "Hi" to us and is constantly making us laugh out loud. He likes this funny song that toby and i sing to him and he fills in the "yeah" part with full body exhuberance everytime.

the boys are having a great summer--swimming, hiking, zoo trips, swings, pony rides and sitting in the cheap little plasic pool in the yard. we are off to maine soon and hope joshua will breathe deep the salty air and forever be hooked like the rest of us. not sure he will want to brave the water with me and toby but i will do my best to get him in the ocean. we all know, dave will not be out there swimming. he protests every year.

i can't believe how much toby has grown...traveling to Ethiopia, turning five, becoming a big brother...he is such an amazing kid. he has thoroughly enjoyed his summer at the park pool--learning how to swim by simply jumping in the water, letting himself touch the bottom with his toes and then floating back up. (there is a little bit of a lesson there...are you feelin' it?) jump in. enjoy the ride.

i love this picture of my guys. toby is pretty sick of my camera at this point in his life so he is very likely to turn his head or make a goofy face just to see me get flustered...but joshua, well, he just looks right at me with those great big eyes, so happy with his big brother at his side. how can i not take a little snap?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hooray hooray! Now I can check up on the status of my favorite family via the handy-dandy Internet.

I sure do love you all. Have a most glorious time in Maine. I don't blame Dave for not wanting to freeze his stuff in that arctic water. -stace