Thursday, September 27, 2007

Joshua Tariku

You are loved
even though you demanded to play and throw the ball at 2am this morning

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Happy Birthday, Gogo!

Today is Gogo's birthday.

she is a timeless beauty

i love that my mom is a bargin hunter...who else can buy italian leather shoes that cost $200 in the boutiques for $2 at Salvation Army
when i was a little girl, i thought my mom always tasted like lipstick and smelled like laura ashley perfume
i love that my mom is in tune with my boys, loving them intensely and seeing their goodness and strengths even in the middle of an all out tantrum
i love that my mom wears nice dress shoes and a skirt to garden in...
i love that my mom likes to canoe and live on the ocean even though she doesn't like to swim
i love that my mom can say goodbye for an hour and a half before actually hanging up the phone
i love that my mom thinks she needs to call me back if she doesn't get to say "i love you" 400 times before the converation ends.
i love that my mom taught my one year old how to play soccer
i love that my mom is my friend, my great supporter
i love how my mom listens to me and loves me no matter what.
happy birthday, gogo!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

where the streets have no name

joshua tariku is serious about eradicating poverty in Africa

Thursday, September 6, 2007

what else can i say?