Tuesday, October 16, 2007

loose teeth and two brothers

so last night i found toby in the bathroom upstairs sitting in the sink on the vanity gazing into to the mirror in deep thought. we spent the evening talking about his very loose tooth and smoothing over worries that he will never be able to eat again and that all of his teeth will fall out at once. so when i asked him what he was thinking about i thought he would say something along those lines instead he said..."i was just thinking about things, about how much i love joshua and going to get him in africa and how sad i was when he was sick and i couldn't play with him." so tender, so sweet. lord, protect my son's heart, make it always soft to you. we were kinda worried about how toby would do with a brother...all the attention diverted, divided, shared...but he is so thankful and crazy about joshua...it's incredible. several times this week as i have been picking up toys and papers, i have found drawings of two stick figures...one with a giant head and one with a slightly smaller head with the names of two brothers underneath.

i am so thankful for my family and the lengths God took to bring us all together.


Katie said...

my first thought reading: so that's why alaina thinks she has a loose tooth. :)

further reflection: isn't it amazing how god has this great family planned for us? so much different than we probably ever thought. made up so uniquely by our kids' personalities and quirks.

god is good.

Anonymous said...

That is so heartwarming! Toby is such a thoughtful young man. :)