Monday, August 3, 2009

looking ahead

toby and i were taking a walk the other day and i started asking him what he wants to be when he grows up and what kind of girl he might marry...

toby: i want to marry i girl that is golf
me: oh, a girl that plays golf, that's cool.
toby: no! a girl that is GOTH! i want to be a vampire when i grow up!
me: Wow!

for the record, he did say that he would be a good vampire and chase all the bad guys. he said his only super power would be that he can turn into a bat.

i have to say, i didn't see any of this coming...guess that's what we have to look forward to.


Jen said...

Oh man, I'm not ready for those conversations AT ALL! By the way, Jonas said he played with Toby at day camp and says, "he's really cool mom". Aw.

woodward said...

Hilarious. Perhaps he is reading too much of the Twilight series. Whatever happened to "My Friend Flicka" so he can say, as Gabi does,

"I WISH I could be a horse. FOR REAL."

(Then after we told her that horses reach their prime at age 3, then she paused a bit. . .)