Saturday, April 24, 2010

quiet moment

On Thursday, while Joshua was at preschool, I found myself at home in the quiet. That doesn't happen often around here with two little boys running through our small little home with swords and light sabers. In that quiet space i found myself recounting the last three years and all that God has brought us through. I thought i might share a taste of that here so that if nothing else, i might return here during the tough wait ahead and remember a Faithful Love.

Three years ago in May, we brought home our second son from Ethiopia. Our first months home were rough. Joshua was sick...very sick with multiple infections and a bad case of the big D. i recounted that pretty well here in an earlier post... At the same time my husband was launching his own business. The stress of a nonsleeping baby, an adjusting kindergartner, a tired husband and an exhausted mommy/wife began to take it's toll by the Fall. Marriage took a big hit. I took a hit (and by "hit" i don't mean "drag:). It took us awhile to realize what was going on. During that time, Dave and I became convicted about pursuing another adoption despite our frustrations both personally and as a family. We started the process in January 2009 and then pulled it all in May of 2009--then realizing that our marriage and our kids needed our attention. We did a lot of hard work that summer and fall. I realized unhealthy patterns that i had developed in my relationship with my husband, i learned that i was becoming more of a burden to him than an encourager and friend. And my husband learned his own lessons. I am thankful for those months of "surgery" and recovery because it gave us a new marriage and a new friendship. Although the accident and subsequent break was painful...we have found that we can run more freely today with our heads up and our arms out. So this baby that will hopefully be coming home such a rich testament to us of how Faithful Love has been to us. We are marking our three year anniversary of Joshua's homecoming and we are preparing for another son. It is indeed a new season, a new family, a new beginning.

Redemption. Faithfulness. Confession. Forgiveness. Love.

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