Friday, February 5, 2010

my backyard friends saved the day

Wow, what a day. And I don't mean because of the snow. Last Friday Joshua said he wanted to sit on the couch intead of running around playing...clearly, this meant he was sick. This week Toby was sick. Dave was sick. Today, i am sick. argh. SUPER sore and swollen throat. headache. body aches. yikes. Thank God for Backyardigans. While I tried to sleep and rest, Joshua had a marathon of Tasha, Pablo, Uniqua and Tyrone. I could hear him singing every now and then and periodically he would run upstairs and give me the low down on what the Backyardigans were up to. Joshua really doesn't like to watch TV or movies but the Backyardigans are a completely different story. He really was great. The dog that would not leave me alone, the dog that kept laying on me in my own bed...not so great.

It was three years ago today (i think!) that we first laid eyes on a picture of Joshua Tariku. It was a very snowy day, much like today, when I drove to pick Toby up from PreK. Huge snowflakes were falling as I walked Toby to our car and told him the good news--you have a brother and here is his picture! In the photo, Joshua looked like a very serious smile or even's like he was trying to trick us b/c he is nothing BUT expressive and energetic! Joshua is full of life. He has certainly kept me on my toes and has blessed our family in too many ways to count.

On a sidenote, we missed our first call...the one we had been waiting for...from our agency. We were in the RCA dome with the Colts celebrating their Superbowl win! It wasn't until the next morning that I finally heard from our social worker again and recieved the email with his information.'s to another Colts victory...and another Castor!

1 comment:

Cindy said...

I remember the day when you got the call about Joshua, seems like not that long ago. You should adopt more often- the Colts make it to the superbowl whenever you do.

Glad you are blogging again.